How can I get rid of my stress?

Where do you go when you're feeling under pressure and stressed? Even the calmest of lives can bring about feelings of stress and you've probably asked yourself, more than once, "How can I get rid of my stress?"

Richard Bandler, co founder of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) on being asked what he thought about stress management.

"I think stressing the management is a good idea. The first thing for people to realise is that stress doesn't exist, it isn't a thing or a virus, you can't catch it! It's simply when the world doesn't do what you want it to do and the world has a habit of doing that." 







A visit to your doctor may get you some prescribed medication. You may have used the online Mood Self Assessment questionnaire to reach for help too. 

NHS UK stress self assessment quiz.

This assessment, while useful, will probably confirm what you know already! You know you are feeling stressed and struggling with negative thoughts and emotions. The symptoms are draining and can interfere with every part of your life. It is not unusual to struggle with one or more of these symptoms and if you're really unlucky, they will all play havoc with your life. 

  • Feeling anxious, nervous and withdrawn
  • Trying to hold everything together in your career and at home
  • Experiencing low mood and feeling tearful 
  • Struggling with concentration, forgetfulness or indecision 
  • Suffering from fatigue and sleeplessness 
  • Not eating properly - overeating or undereating 
  • Increasing alcohol intake or recreational drug use
  • Not enjoying sex and intimacy with a partner

If any of these ‘downers’ resonate with you, isn't it time for change? 

Of course, there can be physical symptoms attached to stress, which should be checked out by your doctor first. This will rule out any underlying health conditions which may need medical treatment. 

  • Muscular tension 
  • Headaches
  • Gut symptoms such as acid reflux, pain, constipation or diarrhoea 
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate
  • Palpitations or abnormal heartbeat or rhythm 
  • Sweating 
  • Dry mouth 
  • Lowered immunity, infection, skin rash 
  • Lack of libido 

So, you’ve ruled out anything which may need medical intervention. Now where do you go if you’re feeling overwhelmed and life just feels like a struggle? 

It doesn’t have to be this way! 

Did you know there is another way to effectively combat stuff which gets in the way of living your best life? Partnering with a reputable life coach can change your mindset forever. 

My private life coaching practice is the perfect space to create the best stress blaster package for you, either in person or online. 

You will have the opportunity to discuss your wants and needs as we work together to create your way forwards. Imagine the relief when you can download everything which is causing you stress! 

Now you’ve decided to do it, you’ll feel instantly lighter. What’s not to like? 

Who are my stress blasters suitable for? 

  • You are an adult who has had enough of living with stress
  • You want to work with an accredited Master Coach 
  • You are ready to invest in yourself to achieve a guaranteed mind set change
  • You are able to reach me in Salisbury either in person or online (I can travel to you too!) 
  • You are ready to step into your new life

Who won’t benefit from my stress management packages? 

  • You haven’t had enough of feeling stressed each day
  • You don’t see value in mastering your mindset
  • You have decided that the investment isn’t right for you
  • You aren’t ready to step into your new life

When you’ve reached your tipping point, let's talk! 

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How I can help

Breakthrough Day

A day where you will break through everything standing in the way of you enjoying your life.

You deserve this, don’t you?

Breakthrough day

Bespoke Life Coach Sessions

A bespoke session dedicated to enabling you to start challenging the negatives in your head. Where do they come from and do you want to keep them?

Life coach sessions

Goal Setting & Accountability

Ongoing sessions booked to suit your needs and your diary. How would it feel to have your own coaching partner to help you navigate through life’s stress? 

Goal setting & accountability

Time Line Therapy®️

Time Line Therapy®️ will help you change your relationship with the past and bring about rapid relief from anxiety, stress and limiting beliefs.

Time Line Therapy®️

HypnoBand®️ Hypnotherapy

A weight loss program that uses hypnosis to simulate gastric band surgery and help individuals achieve their weight loss goals.

Hypnoband®️ Hypnotherapy

Client testimonials

  • At 59 my life is being transformed in ways I never thought possible. Jules is able to get to the very soul of you with an incredible intuitiveness, sense of humour, warmth and positivity, thus enabling you to take on the world and enjoy it at the same time. I don’t think Jules realises how much she helps people see that anything is possible!”

    N. H.
  • Jules used NLP to help me redefine the challenge at hand and gain more insight. I was able to break down who I am into different selves and reflect on how these relate to my overall goals and next steps.

    Michael C
  • Jules's ability to guide me to those answers I'd been searching for was unbelievable! Jules' NLP approach, her guidance, her caring and her engagement has helped me unpack fears and anger that gripped me for 40 years. It's amazing to think I am driving again. This is the only program which worked from me! I have freedom again! 

    Robbin Nordsten